June 29, 2012

Blast from the past

Posted in Uncategorized at 11:48 pm by mallochfamily

I decided to make my mom a book with some of my favorite wedding photos. I realized when I went home for a visit that she didn’t have one. I got busy putting one together on Shutterfly, and I think it came out nicely. Don’t tell her about it…it’s a secret!


January 11, 2012


Posted in Uncategorized at 10:17 pm by mallochfamily

Ok, it’s been a little while since I have updated this blog…to say the least. I am going to try to do a condensed version of the year 2011. I can’t believe that I didn’t post at all last year. That just means that we have been a little busy around the Malloch house with the addition of our little boy. The beginning of the year was just spent hibernating and getting bigger! The end of March brought around babywatch 2011. My Mom came up to get ready for what we thought would be an early arrival. He was a week early, and on April 8 we welcomed Hayden Lee Malloch to the world weighing in at 7 lbs 7 oz and 20.75 in long. This time around, the birth process wasn’t as traumatic. I figured I did it the first time without drugs, so bring it on. Thankfully I have short and intense labors, they broke my water at 10:45 pm, and he was born at 12:21 am. I left the hospital on my birthday, the 9th. He is such a good and healthy baby. Logan has been great with him so far. He can get a little excited and rough, but he is gentle 90% of the time.

Over the summer we went to the beach for a long weekend. Then we got ambitious and drove to Michigan to visit family and friends. The drive went surprisingly well, except for stopping for nursing breaks every 2-3 hours. We had a great time at the Ahler’s lake house and hope to go back this summer. Logan also had soccer classes this summer. We thought it would be a good way to get some energy out. He is pretty good, and fast…when he would listen to the coaches. It was also nice to have our parents come to us for a visit and see how fast both Logan and Hayden are growing. Logan started preschool in Sept. He is going 3 days a week from 9-1. It was hard for him to adjust to a classroom schedule and having to listen to the rules. We had some behavior issues for a little while and I even had to come to the principal’s office for a little brainstorming session. He is doing much better, but he has a bad day here and there…don’t we all. I decided to take the boys to MS for Thanksgiving. So I loaded everybody up and drove 6 hours to Atlanta, stayed in a hotel (just me, Logan, and Hayden). Then we got up and drove another 6 hours to Brandon, MS. It was nice to have a Thanksgiving at home with Momma’s cooking, even though Scott couldn’t come with us. Scott got a promotion at work and is now considered a manager and has people who report to him, and a lot of paperwork to do. Scott’s parents came for their Christmas visit the weekend of Scott’s work party. We got to get dressed up and have an evening out by ourselves…which was nice. We spent Christmas here in NC, with just the four of us. It was a crazy and exciting year. We are blessed in so many ways. I have a beautiful family and two amazing little boys that I get to watch grow everyday. Not everyday is a picnic, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

I made a book of some of my favorite pictures that document 2011. I thought that would be the fastest and easiest way for everyone to see what we have been up to the past year…Enjoy!  (I hope I haven’t left anything important out)

If you don’t have a snapfish account or you can’t view the pictures, let me know and I can send you an email.


January 1, 2011

October, November, and December 2010

Posted in Uncategorized at 1:26 am by mallochfamily

October pictures:

We snuck in a little weekend escape to Mrytle Beach one weekend. The weather was nice except for the obligatory day of rain. We did putt putt, of course, and even got to ride some water slides. Logan liked them as long as Daddy didn’t go fast. We also made our annual trip to the pumpkin farm for games, a train ride, hay ride, and picking out our pumpkins. Logan loves going to the “farm”, and he is still talking about all the things he did that day. Logan and I had to carve the pumpkins by ourselves this year, but we made it without injury. Logan enjoyed trick or treating this year with his Daddy. I got to stay home and hand out the candy (this prego didn’t feel like walking all around the neighborhood). Logan loved that he could just knock on people’s doors and they would give him candy. We had to explain that it was a special day…it doesn’t happen all the time.

November pictures:

This month I made the long drive to MS with Logan for my 10 year Masker Homecoming Reunion. Maskers is a club that I belonged to in college and formed some of my most cherished friendships. It was great seeing my line and some other familiar faces around Columbus. It was especially nice that Logan got to have a special Grandee and Papaw weekend. My Mom/Grandee had some special treats for us. Logan got a new tricycle, and I got to eat an early Thanksgiving meal…I think that was a win/win for both of us! The other exciting news this month is that we found out that we have another little boy on the way. I am really excited to see the special bond that my two boys will hopefully make through the years. Everything is going really well so far with this pregnancy.

December pictures:

This month we have mainly been hibernating and trying to stay warm. Nana and Papa (Scott’s parents) came to visit and have our Christmas early together. They graciously stay with Logan while Scott and I get to go to his company Christmas party. It is one of the few times we get to go somewhere alone together. We had a nice time visiting, eating, and just being out. I took Logan to see Santa at the neighborhood Clubhouse. He did a great job and told Santa that he wanted trains. I really enjoyed Santa, because they supply Krispy Kreme doughnuts (little drops of heaven). Logan doesn’t like doughnuts, so I got to eat the half he didn’t want and mine…Merry Christmas to me. We decided to make the trip back to MS for Christmas this year. We went to the new children’s museum and had a good time. It was fun to see Logan explore and play with all the exhibits. It was also nice to have Daddy there to chase him around! Mom and I got to do some shopping, we all did some eating, and Logan had a fun Christmas. Logan asked Santa for trains (Gordon and Henry from the Thomas train show), tracks for them to travel on, and a roller coaster. He must have been very good, because he got everything he asked for and then some. It was also the first time we have all been around a table in a long time. MS even had a “white” Christmas…and by that I mean that a few flakes flew throught the air. Raleigh really had a White Christmas, and we came home to about 6 inches of snow. Logan finally got some snow that stuck so he could throw some snowballs at Daddy, which he had been talking about for a while. Sorry that my Christmas cards were late this year, but I didn’t get them in the mail before we left for MS. I hope that you all have a wonderful and prosperous New Year ahead of you. God Bless you all…

October 20, 2010

July, August, and September 2010

Posted in Uncategorized at 2:41 pm by mallochfamily


Wow, I am really behind on this whole blog thing…I don’t really know where to begin. It has been a busy, but fun summer. Logan moved into his big boy firetruck bed and began potty training. He has done great with both big changes so far. He is growing like a weed, and his legs are starting to catch up to the rest of him. He loves being outside, especially with Sarah (our neighbor and his best friend). We took a long road trip up to Michigan to visit with family and friends. We got to stay with and bother the Mazzola family during our trip. The big boys were off camping, but Logan and I got to do some fun things like swim, visit a farm, and just hang out with the kiddos. It’s always nice to visit with everyone, especially in the summer months!

July Pictures:


The beginning of August brought some big changes for the Malloch family. I found out we are expecting our 2nd little one! We are very excited about having another precious little baby around. Logan already talks about sharing his toys with the baby. He is adamant it is a girl and we should name her, Toys. I think we will eventually veto that name choice, but at least Logan gives me some name input unlike his Daddy. We took a little road trip to Myrtle Beach for a weekend. Logan loves to putt putt. He especially loved this place, because you rode a train to get to the first hole. We had a nice visit, even with me not feeling that great. I don’t have a lot of pictures during this time, because I didn’t fell much like doing anything other than eating and sleeping…sorry.

August Pictures:


I am surprised by how different pregnancies can be from one to the next. I had a wonderful pregnancy with Logan, my worst symptom was indigestion. I had no sickness and felt good pretty much the whole time. This time around is much different…nausea all the time, exhaustion, dizziness, shortness of breath, etc. I am not complaining…I am ecstatic about this baby…just stating differences.

We took a big family vacation this month. We went to Disneyworld with my parents, and Scott’s parents also joined us for a couple of days. Some of you might not understand how big of a deal it is that my Dad agreed to go to Disneyworld, but it was! Logan was very excited to show his Grandee and Papaw all around Disney, since he is an old pro. We had a great time riding rides, seeing the characters, and eating our weight in food (my fav. part)! Logan’s favorite things are the carousel, the race cars, the train, the monorail, and the disney buses. I am pretty sure we all had a great time, sore feet and all.

September Pictures:

Well, that is a quick recap from the past 3 months. I hope you enjoy the pictures and stay tuned for developments from the growing (literally) Malloch family!

July 14, 2010

June 2010

Posted in Uncategorized at 8:11 pm by mallochfamily

Logan and I spent most of June in Mississippi with my family. I decided to surprise my mom and Logan and I drove by ourselves from NC to MS. We drove 6 hours, stopped around Atlanta and then drove the rest of the way the next day. My mom was equally happy and upset that we drove by ourselves. She got over it…I think. We had a nice visit, trying to stay cool and keep Logan busy. I was also able to drive up to Columbus and see some friends and their adorable children. I also took some pictures of Logan around my university (MUW). After the long drive back and a couple of days to recover, Scott and I took Logan to see his first big boy movie…Toy Story 3. He did really well and sat for the whole thing. He hasn’t mastered the whisper, but we are working on it. A couple of days later we hit another milestone…first stitches. He slipped on our back porch steps and hit his head. It was a small cut, but very deep. 2 stitches and many tears later, everything was alright. Logan is into all sports and anything having to do with throwing or kicking balls around. He is a very sweet boy, especially after he hits me for some reason. He likes Lightning Mcqueen, Buzz Lightyear, and Thomas. His favorite things to watch on tv are Mickey’s Clubhouse, Imagination Movers, Thomas, and the Lion King (Mufasa). He is a funny boy and never fails to amaze me!

June 7, 2010

May 2010

Posted in Uncategorized at 10:33 pm by mallochfamily

We began the month of May with one of the scariest experiences of my life! The night of May 1, I decided to convert Logan’s crib to a toddler bed. Logan is a good sleeper and I haven’t gotten up in the night with him in a long time, but I was more vigilant that night because I didn’t want him to get out of his bed. I heard him ask for juice a couple of times, so I decided to get up  and get him some so he wouldn’t climb out of his bed. I went downstairs at about 2:30 am and made him some juice. I brought it up to him, but he was sleeping. I took it back down and I was coming down the stairs I noticed that it looked really foggy outside. When I got down to the kitchen I could smell smoke. I looked around the house for a minute wondering if something was on fire. Then it hit me…I opened our front door and could hear the crackle of fire. A couple of months before we had a detective come by the house and warn us to look for suspicious activity because there had been some arsons in the area, especially to new construction (which we have all across the street). I could see the smoke coming from one house and hear the fire, and I could see an orange glow in the house next to it. I immediately called 911 and reported it. The wait for the cops and the fire department was horrible! One of the houses was completely engulfed when the fire dept. finally got there and the wind was blowing the embers directly to our house. They saved most of the other house. It has roof damage, and who knows how much damage inside. Both of these houses were about 80% complete or so. It was a very scary situation, something I never want to experience again!

We decided to build Logan a swingset, so after lots of research..we finally decided on one. It took us much longer than the 12 hours the box said it would take. But 2 and a half days later…we have Logan Park!

Our next adventure this month was nowhere near as traumatic. We went to Florida to visit the In-laws and go to Disneyworld. We went to Disney Quest, Magic Kingdom, and Typhoon Lagoon! Logan was very much in the transportation aspect of disney this visit. He loved the buses that he saw everywhere, and the Monorail (the blue one, not the red one). My nephew, Josh, got to come with us and hang out with Logan. It was fun to watch them play together.

May 2, 2010

April 2010

Posted in Uncategorized at 1:12 am by mallochfamily

This month started out nicely. Scott actually got to take Good Friday off and hang out with us. We had a neighborhood Easter Egg hunt which was fun. Logan had fun watching the other kids and occasionally picking up an egg or two. There were so many kids there, and when he would reach down to pick one up, someone would beat him to it. Don’t worry we still came home with plenty of candy! Easter Sunday was pretty busy. We had church, then went to lunch, and then took Logan to see Mickey’s Rockin’ Roadshow. It was a cute little stage show with characters, singing, and dancing. Logan really enjoyed it, except when Cinderella came on the stage to sing…he would get really fidgety and kept asking for Mickey or Buzz Lightyear. The next day we made a quick day trip to the coast to see some friends from Michigan. It was nice to see Courtney and Lucas and meet their friends. We had a nice time at the park and dinner and then headed home. It was really cool watching our kids playing together! Our tv went out one Sunday, so we had to go buy a new tv! That was an unexpected and expensive afternoon! I had lunch with an old friend in downtown Raleigh. We decided we were on a mission to try new restaurants downtown. I must say it was a great afternoon sitting on top of a building in the sunshine, eating good food with a good friend. Our last escapade of the month was a quick trip down to Myrtle Beach, SC. Scott’s parents meet us there for a couple of days. The weather was really nice and Logan had a great time playing in the pool.

Logan talks constantly and says funny things all the time! He loves to watch the Lion King movie, Thomas, Imagination Movers, etc. We are working on the whole potty thing…but I am not forcing him! He knows all his colors and can count to 10, but always skips over 2 and 5.

Enjoy the pictures…

Easter Sunday

Being silly with daddy


Easter Sunday

neighborhood egg hunt

Playing at myrtle beach

Riding Papa's shoulders

Lovin' on Lucas

Playing with Lucas

April 7, 2010

March 2010

Posted in Uncategorized at 6:42 pm by mallochfamily

The first two weeks of March, Logan and I continued our vacation and stayed with my parents in MS. The first week was fun, we played and hung out with Grandee and Papaw. We had Logan’s 2 year old pictures taken, Logan got to play with Grandee at church, and I got a little alone shopping time. But the visit went downhill after that…I got a 24 hour virus that was HORRIBLE. I was hoping that I would keep it to myself, but that was not the case. Logan got it a couple of days later, and then Grandee and Papaw got it at the same time a couple of days later. Not much fun was had by anybody that week. Thank goodness everyone was pretty much better for the drive to meet Scott in Atlanta for the hand off. We had a week at home getting back on schedule, and we decided to take Logan to Myrtle beach for the last weekend in March. The weather wasn’t that great, but there was an indoor pool and play area. Logan’s favorite thing was playing games in the arcades on the boardwalk. He loves basketball and skee ball! He is such a character and cracks me up daily!

March 18, 2010

February 2010

Posted in Uncategorized at 12:28 am by mallochfamily

My precious angel turned 2 years old on Feb. 1st. We had a little party just Scott, Logan and myself with our parents on skype the day before his birthday. We had an Imagination Mover party that included Logan’s favorite things…the Movers (of course), Thomas, and Buzz Lightyear. I am keeping birthdays low key until Logan can ask for something else. On his actual birthday we took him to Chuck E. Cheese to play games and eat pizza. We had a great time playing games. Logan’s favorite was Skee ball. I had forgotten how much fun I used to have there as a kid.

A few days after Logan’s birthday we went for his 2 year check up at the doctor. It’s official…the doctor said he was perfect, which of course I already knew! His stats are as follows: Weight-27.2 lbs, Height-35.5 in.

Our neighbors had a SuperBowl party. It was fun to go and socialize a little. I realized my baby isn’t a baby anymore. He went off by himself and played with the big kids. I was tempted to stay and make sure everything was ok, but I gave him a little space (I know…shocker!) It is hard not to just follow him around at all times, but I am giving him more independence. And by the way…GO SAINTS!

I got to hang out with some friends in between my bout of sickness. I was hoping to get well before we left to go on our cruise. We went on a cruise with my parents and some friends of ours from Michigan and their families. We left out of New Orleans on the Norwegian Spirit on our way to Costa Maya, Guatemala, Belize, and Cozumel. It was nice, but I didn’t get to lay out like I had hoped. I can’t complain too much because I did get a very nice piece of jewelry from my family!

Here are some pictures from the month…Enjoy!

February 5, 2010

January 2010

Posted in Uncategorized at 9:27 pm by mallochfamily

2010 is finally upon us. New Year’s Eve we went with my parents and Logan is a hibachi restaurant. Logan is usually pretty good in restaurants, but he did not want to sit at the big table with the man cooking and making the big flames. At one point my dad took him to the bar (area), which I found pretty funny…hanging out at the bar on New Year’s with his Papaw. We just hung out that night and watched the ball drop, I wished my Mom happy birthday and went to bed. But I did finish reading through the bible that night…big accomplishment!

We drove to Michigan the weekend after New Years. My parent’s left town on the 2nd, so we headed off to visit the peeps in MI. We drove through the night, which is never fun. We were racing the snow storm that was coming in, and we made it into town as the snow started to fall. It was great to see everyone and their babies. We stayed with Grandma, which is always fun!

After that we just tried to get back into the swing of things around here. Jaclyn invited us over for dinner one night, which was nice to hang out and watch Logan torture Ruby Sue and Jack the cat. I am including some pictures from our adventures from the month.

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